Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Pettersson D240X Bat Detector is on it's way...

Just a short post, for now: I've been informed that the Pettersson D240X bat detector is on it's way. I'm really excited about testing and reviewing this unit! And I must add, that Lars Pettersson is really a very nice guy.
In the meantime, I've been studying the documentation for it, to become familiar with it's features, etc.
Of course, I've been searching the Web; and taking the time to really look at this unit (some web pages have good photos of it).
From what I've seen and read so far, no compromises were made when this detector was designed and built. Everything is solid and high-quality; from the tuning & volume knobs, to the switches, to the large (back-lit) LCD. It's designed to provide professional results, and last for many years. Below, is the pic from the Pettersson Elektronik Site:
As another example - Have you ever seen a Pettersson D1000X? In the world of bat detectors: It is the pinnacle of Swedish engineering.
If bat detectors were cars, Pettersson would be the Koenigsegg of bat detectors... : )

Stay tuned, for the full (detailed) review...

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