Sunday, October 21, 2018

Review Of The Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro Part 2 Of 2

Review Of The Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro from Wildlife Acoustics - Part 2 Of 2

In Part 1 of this review, I covered the hardware and some of the basics of The Echo Meter Touch 2 (Pro). In this Post, there will be a lot more to cover!
As many of you are already aware of (by now) The Echo Meter Touch 2, is very commonly referred to as The EM Touch 2. And again, there is The Echo Meter Touch 2, and the Pro version available from Wildlife Acoustics.
The regular EM Touch 2 being an excellent choice for hobbyists & citizen scientists, while The EM Touch 2 Pro has more advanced features/settings, best suited for professionals.

A quick summary, of the EM Touch 2 devices, might read as follows:

The EM Touch 2:
  • Excellent for anyone with an interest in detecting (and identifying) bats.
  • Very intuitive to use.
  • Plenty of features and abilities, to keep a budding naturalist busy (and happy!)

The EM Touch 2 Pro:
  • Boasts enough (useful) features to enthuse even the most experienced professional.
  • Opportunities for customization also sure to inspire professionals.
  • High quality (up to 384k sample rate) recordings at 16 bits resolution.

Hobbyists and bat enthusiasts, while using the EM Touch 2, will likely find themselves saying things like "Wow" "Cool" and "Check this out" (possibly even out-loud)...

While professionals, using the EM Touch 2 Pro, will probably find themselves saying things like "Excellent" "That's great!" and "Well done!"... 

The factor which bat enthusiasts (amateur naturalists) will find most satisfying, will likely be the ease-of-use. As well as the aforementioned easy set-up (from box to bat detecting) and intuitive software App.

The key points which bat working professionals will find appealing, are likely to be the variable sample rate, adjustable gain, and level of ID accuracy.
The EM Touch 2 Pro is also the smallest bit of kit they have ever had to carry into the field for bat work. I'm sure Bat Researchers will find this refreshing.

If you are unsure, as to which EM Touch 2 version to choose, I urge you to visit Wildlife Acoustics' Specs Comparison page. All of the features of each version are well laid-out (and very easy to read/compare).
In use, The EM Touch 2 simplifies (nearly automates) the bat detecting portion of a Professional bat survey. It dutifully records, identifies, and logs the bats from the evening's outing.
I would also like to draw your attention to the List Of Compatible Devices for The EM Touch 2 (both iOS and Android devices covered).
The fact is, there's quite a bit more to cover about The EM Touch 2 - Including items of interest to those with a Techno-Geek side. Be that as it may, I've decided to post this Part 2 Of 2, and simply add to it (in the near future!)...

Firmware and software updates have already been made to The EM Touch 2. And even as I type,   further updates are in the works at Wildlife Acoustics. All with the aim of improving the performance of this bat detector. 
On a personal note, I've recently relocated to a rural area. There are lots of bats here, and having the opportunity to test The EM Touch 2 has really been a blast! Thank you, to Wildlife Acoustics, for the loan of the equipment. 

I've included some (of the many) links which are currently available on YouTube. The well-made videos, listed below, were produced by Wildlife Acoustics - and as you might expect, they do an excellent job of describing The Echo Meter Touch:


Happy bat detecting!

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