Saturday, June 28, 2014

The BAT MiniMIC Ultrasonic Microphone From Binary Acoustic Technology: First Impressions

The BAT MiniMIC Ultrasonic Microphone From Binary Acoustic Technology: First Impressions

I'm very pleased to report the arrival of the New BAT MiniMIC Ultrasonic Microphone.  
The test unit, arrived yesterday; from Binary Acoustic Technology (in Tucson, Arizona). I've been fascinated by this (relatively new) recording system; since first reading about it several months ago. In fact, I would advise anyone who is interested in a PC-based recorder to take a good look at The MiniMIC's Page Here.

I'm happy to declare that this is not my first time testing and reviewing an ultrasonic recording device from Binary Acoustic Technology. Almost exactly one year ago, I wrote a Review of their AR125 (which is still available for purchase, from their Site).
  As evidenced by my past experience (with The AR125 from BAT), the company is obviously keen on shipping their products neatly, and well-protected. At this point, I presume it's safe to say that the sturdy, pink foam-lined boxes are standard. For those who happen to hold things like proper packaging in high regard: You may rest assured - All components of The MiniMIC microphone kit are well-packed and protected. Below, is a photo of the recently unpacked BAT MiniMIC:

The double-boxed and well packaged MiniMIC
This USB-based ultrasonic microphone has several unique features. As per this (partial) snippet, from the Binary Acoustic Technology Site states:

" It employs low noise circuitry along with 16-bit digital converters to achieve high sensitivity along with a large dynamic range.  It is capable of detecting bats at a distances up to one hundred and forty feet."

16-bit digital processing is certainly impressive in it's own right...Low noise circuitry is nothing to sneeze at either. But, it's the second sentence (above) which interests me a great deal - Since (again) the distance at which a bat detector can record bats, has always been at the top of my "List" of priorities.
When it comes down to the discussion of the performance and value of an ultrasonic device, I'm usually anxious to determine the distance at which bats can be picked up.

Well, for now I'll just state that preliminary tests have been impressive. I'm not entirely certain, of how well liked computing-based bat recording devices are, in general. But, I've liked them from the start. And, I find myself becoming more and more fond of them. They have a lot to recommend them. As we shall see in the upcoming reviews...Of both The BAT MiniMIC and The M500 from Pettersson.

Until then...

Happy bat detecting!

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