Sunday, June 8, 2014

New Product From Pettersson Elektronik - The M500

Just a short Post for now: I just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware, of a new bioacoustic microphone, from Pettersson Elektronik - It's The M500 USB Ultrasonic Microphone. It's competitively priced, and has some excellent specifications:
  • A 500 kHz sample rate
  • 16 bits ADC resolution
  • High-quality microphone with optional directional horn
  • An advanced anti-aliasing filter
I find each of these major specifications very exciting!
I'd also like to inform you, that I will be reviewing one of these units in the future. I'm really looking forward to it!

In the meantime, I came across a very nice review of The M500, by Dean Waters (Vespero Consulting). Check it out Here.
I've been informed, that there will be a minor delay in the delivery of The BAT miniMIC; so that review won't be posted as early as I originally expected.

Happy bat detecting!


  1. thank for idea New Product From Pettersson Elektronik - The M500,is the best

  2. Thank you for your Comment. I happen to really like the M500. I have tested it quite a bit, and I like the convenience. Especially when you get comfortable using it (which doesn't take long!).


Review: The Song Meter Mini Bat 2 from Wildlife Acoustics

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