Sunday, October 9, 2011

Future Site Of Bat Detecting Adventure - Bartow Pell Mansion

I haven't been on a bat detecting field trip in quite a while. This will be the awesome place I'll be visiting:

Bartow Pell Mansion

It is my favorite place to go Birding, and to photograph wildlife; during the day. It is also a very safe place (when it comes to 2-legged "predators"), which is also a big plus. I like to be able to focus all my attention on the fauna & wildlife while walking through the woods - Not having to be concerned with my own safety as well.
So, I requested (and was graciously granted) permission to visit the premises at night. I'm bringing some of the latest bat detectors that are currently "on the test bench". There's nothing like bringing new, cutting edge bat detectors on an "expedition" like this!

Among the instruments I'll be bringing are:

The Griffin, from BatBox Ltd.

The SSF2 BAT2 from BUND

The Ultramic200K from Dodotronic

The D240X from Pettersson Elektronik

A full "Debreifing" is forthcoming...

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Review: The Song Meter Mini Bat 2 from Wildlife Acoustics

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