Saturday, April 9, 2022

Random Thought Of The Month - April

 April 2022

Neil Middleton mentioned it first; it was during one of my live webinar/reviews (available only to BatAbility Club Members).

It is the observation that each manufacturer approaches bat detecting in it's own, unique, way. In other words if one hopes to become well-versed (competent) with using a particular model of bat detector, they must not only read the User Guide in its entirety, but also:

  • Use the device extensively.
  • Become familiar with it's menus and error states.
  • Acquire and analyze a considerable number of recordings.
  • Become acquainted with analyzing and manipulating those recordings.
It's a time consuming process.

Also (in my case), to go through the motions which a Bat Biologist/Bat Worker would:

  • Collect and export the data, into standard formats (easily accessible to the largest groups of people).
  • Print out reports / verify how convenient it is to do so.
  • Create spreadsheets, etc., which will be easily accessible (readable) to the largest majority of colleagues.

Data acquired by the primary user, is frequently distributed to various colleagues, and peers around the world. Not everyone has access to the same (up to date) technology. Some may have older versions of Microsoft Office (for example).

Part of my responsibility, is to approach each bat detector or recording device, as it's own separate entity - each with its own character, and protocol for use in the field. For many Ecology firms, the solution (and/or device) being considered will be their only platform. 

Many readers might be very surprised to learn who some of the visitors to this blog are. Amoung several other distinguished visitors, are CEO's of wind farms. I've corresponded with more than one of them over the years, to help with their equipment selection. I've been quite surprised myself, at times, to learn of the caliber of people who visit. And I only find out, when they contact me directly.

I'm reminded of a short anecdote which I am occasionally fond of sharing: Appearances may sometimes be deceiving: The sweet, unassuming owner of the bakery, may be a 3rd degree black belt. The young fellow wearing thick spectacles and a Mickey Mouse T-shirt may possess uncanny ability in hand to hand combat. That attractive young blonde lady may be a skilled boxer. You just never know. 

Until next time, Happy Bat detecting!

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