Monday, May 6, 2013

An Upcoming Post...Will Feature The Best Bat Detectors!

It is May 6th, 2013 and bat detecting season is upon us in the Northern hemisphere of the World. For some reason, I feel compelled, even obligated, to state exactly what the best bat detector models are.

As I stated in a recent blog entry, an upcoming post will feature The Best bat detectors!
It will be entitled 'The Best Of The Best Bat Detectors'

It's time to leave some of the mystery behind...
It's time to take the guesswork out of the decision process...
I'll be addressing a very popular question: "Which is the best bat detector for my budget?"
I will not be utilizing any colourful charts. Although, I'll admit - That even I enjoy some of those comparison charts from time to time...

I will be listing the best bat detectors, in each of the following three major price categories: $2k-$2500, $1k-$1,500 and $150-$500 (U.S. Dollars) - Although I'll probably list prices in other major currencies (listing prices in Euros, and U.K. Pounds as well).

Happy bat detecting!


  1. when is the next post scheduled to be out?
    BTW what a great blog!!

  2. Thank you very much! I appreciate it :)
    The next post will be out in about 2 days. It will be my review of Kaleidoscope Pro from Wildlife Acoustics. The software is frequently being improved (even as I type) - So, there will be another, (more detailed) review of it posted as well - When all the major improvements are made.


Review: The Song Meter Mini Bat 2 from Wildlife Acoustics

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