Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Next Device For Testing & Review Is Here! The Hi-Sound Compact Parabolic Microphone from Dodotronic

As stated in a recent blog post, I was actively seeking the next bat detector (or wildlife sound recorder) to review:

1st for The BatAbility Club, as a live webinar/presentation.


2nd for a text-based review/blog post, to appear here on the blog.

Well, I had parabolic dish microphones on my mind. So, the first company I reached out to – was Dodotronic. I remembered seeing some very interesting parabolic dish microphones on their website.

After reaching out to Ivano, at Dodotronic, it was decided that The Hi-Sound Compact would be the device to test & review.

It is a compact, and affordable parabolic dish microphone on the Dodotronic website.

The live webinar/presentation/review of this interesting bit of kit, will be viewable to members of the BatAbility Club; on July 8th.

I am happy to report, that Dodotronic shipped me a review sample straight away. And it arrived here in New York this afternoon!

The Hi-Sound Compact

I would also like to take this opportunity, to inform the reader that I will once again, be actively seeking a device to review, for the live webinar following this one. Which will take place approximately 2 months from now.

If you are a manufacturer of bat detectors, and would like to have your bat detector featured/reviewed during a live webinar for The BatAbility Club: Please contact me!

Happy bat detecting!

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The Next Device For Testing & Review Is Here! The Hi-Sound Compact Parabolic Microphone from Dodotronic

As stated in a recent blog post, I was actively seeking the next bat detector (or wildlife sound recorder) to review: 1st for The BatAbility...