Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Review: Bat Sound Analysis - Getting Started - By BatAbility Club

What follows is a very brief account, of the 2-part course I attended, offered by The BatAbility Club.

The course is titled 'Bat Sound Analysis - Getting Started' - And was presented live by Neil Middleton.

If you were looking for an easy to understand, comprehensive explanation of bat call analysis - This 2-part online course fit the bill.

This Evenbrite link provides an excellent, and concise description of the 2 part course.

Another point of interest, is that you didn't have to be a current member of The BatAbility Club in order to attend. Tickets were available to anyone via Evenbrite, at a very reasonable price.

The only way to see this course now is to become a member of the BatAbility Club. 

I just thought I'd bring some attention to this offering, since many of you may want to keep an eye on BatAbility Club's announcements of future events? 

You can subscribe to their YouTube channel; and see their monthly video-newsletters (for example).

My original intention was to give a detailed description of all of the topics covered, how they were covered, etc. 

However, I have decided that I won't go into a very detailed, play-by-play description of the topics — You can get a very good idea of the content, by visiting the Evenbrite link provided above. Instead, as someone who has attended many such courses in the past: I can give you a bottom line evaluation of what to expect, and how it might differ from courses you may be used to/ those you've attended before (if any).

I found Neil's style of presentation to be:

  • Provided at an easily digestible pace.
  • Presented in a almost casual, conversational aura.
  • Explained in a manner easily comprehended, even by beginners.
  • Neil spends extra time on topics which are important to remember.

After all, 'Getting started' is part of the title! I noticed that Neil retains a very friendly, almost conversational manner when explaining the concepts. All-in-all, I found it very informative. In my case (and I'm sure for many others) it served as an excellent refresher course. It's also a great resource which is available to members of BatAbility Club.

Until next time,

Happy bat detecting!

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Tomorrow! - For Members of The Bat Ability Club - Live Webinar Review of The Song Meter Mini Bat 2!

   Coming soon to The BatAbility Club! Review: The Song Meter Mini Bat 2   From Wildlife Acoustics