Thursday, September 22, 2022

Two Wonderful Bat Detectors Are On Their Way!

Just a quick post for now - I'm excited to announce that two unique bat detectors are currently on their way here!

To make it more fun, I'll only share a few clues and hints (for now): 

  • They each have lovely, colour touch screen displays, featuring live spectrograms!
  • One from the Netherlands, the other from Germany.
  • Both from non profit entities (I had to purchase them).
  • Chances are, you've never even heard of, or seen either of them.
  • The one from the Netherlands, is a DIY kit which will require soldering.
  • I've been wanting to get the one from Germany since at least 2019.

The DIY bat detector kit from the Netherlands, is currently out of stock - With no ETA as to when kits will be available again. So, there's no point in discussing it any further at this point in time. 

The bat detector from Germany is in stock & available for purchase. So, I'll tell you a little bit about it:

It's The SSF BAT-3 from Microelectronic Volkmann 

The very neat-looking SSF BAT3

Check out the All About Bats page - Originally in the German language; most of the related web pages are (using the Google Chrome browser provides auto-translate).

The SSF BAT3 provides live spectrograms
in a very compact size

That's it for now! Of course there will be lots more to share over the next few days!  Including more pictures, and links!

Happy bat detecting! 

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Tomorrow! - For Members of The Bat Ability Club - Live Webinar Review of The Song Meter Mini Bat 2!

   Coming soon to The BatAbility Club! Review: The Song Meter Mini Bat 2   From Wildlife Acoustics