Monday, June 6, 2022

Random Thought Of The Month - May

Running a bit behind this time, with my Random Thought of The Month". This is the random thought for the month of May 2022.

This time, it has to do with technology — more specifically, the technology that we all use everyday: Even more specifically, laptops.

We've probably all heard (or overheard) that expression: "I need a new laptop". Sometimes, prefixed with the word "mom" or "dad" — as in "Mom I need a new laptop! "

In my experience, the person making this statement, is usually someone who doesn't have an understanding of how a laptop operates. They have no idea of what goes on inside a laptop, or even the rudimentary relationship between hardware and software... And in fact, typically have a very limited knowledge of what might be causing their current laptop to behave poorly — Or, "slow" (the most commonly heard complaint).

This complaint is normally made by someone of millennial age, or younger. Although I've also heard it from senior citizens, as well as from people of varying ages.

I must point out, straight away that as part of this discussion — I am not including (considering) any of the end users, clients, etc., whom I'd been tasked with providing computer support to (over the many years of my career). Here, I'm only discussing Family, friends, and acquaintances.

The gist of the situation, is as follows: We have a person, who has simply been using their laptop - Without any idea or care as to it's upkeep... This goes on for some time; after which a laptop invariably begins to slow in it's computing performance. To the impatient, and somewhat spoiled amongst us - this is unacceptable — And a clear indication (as far as they're concerned) that they need a new laptop.

Those with even a cursory knowledge of laptops, have a bit of understanding as to why this happens. And probably even have a vague idea of the machine being in need of some maintenance, etc.

However, someone who is not accustomed to waiting a few extra seconds for anything, begins a slow descent into desperation (and anxiety) over the need for a new laptop.

There are also some additional, amusing tidbits to consider:

  • Not only is there nothing physically wrong with the laptop, but it invariably tends to be a higher end model (retailing well north of $1,000 [US]). Sometimes, easily twice as much.
  • The owner of said laptop, spends 99% of their time just surfing the Web. Spending time on social media, and/or playing games, etc.
  • I've also witnessed a lot of maltreatment of the laptops themselves - Neglecting to place them on hard, flat surfaces: So that the built in vents (and cooling fans) can have access to ambient air. This in turn, forces the machine to run at higher temperatures then it should — causing wide variations in thermal cycling. 
  • In addition to a myriad of minor (compounding) issues and unnecessary wear, this eventually causes what is known (to computer engineers) as "chip creep".

Further to the above, consider the practice of placing laptops on pillows, bedding, blankets, and sheets. Not good.

What typically happens in the aforementioned scenarios, is that the person almost immediately orders a brand new laptop.

I suppose the thing that sticks out to me most, is the lack of productive output —From those usually found in these scenarios. It is the striking contrast, of someone having an expensive/high end tool — Who uses it just to idle away the time.

All while there are many other people, who are struggling to actually produce work —And are forced to use sub—optimal equipment.

As for me, I have always tended to buy affordable laptops. And, having been a computer engineer for about 16 years, I'm able to get them to continue functioning well past their "expected" life span. For those unfamiliar with the accepted business model — that translates to 3 years. Sometimes 2, if it's a very lucrative business or company.

Where many other (private citizens) would have already replaced theirs, twice.

In my case (personally) I will keep a tablet or laptop in continuous use for 8 or 9 years.

Most recently, I'll take a "hand-me-down" laptop from someone. It's a similar scenario —The original owner feels that the laptop isn't good enough for them, or not fast enough for them.

It happens all the time...

This reminds me of a story I once read — A journalist went to spend some time Birding in Costa Rica. His contact/guide there, lived very close to the jungle. This journalist/visitor considered himself an excellent birder... But soon discovered that his host had uncanny, and extraordinary skills as a birder. Not only when spotting and identifying birds using binoculars. But also by ear! He'd never seen anything like it before and was beyond impressed! 

The journalist also soon found out, that this man accomplished all of this - Using an old, cheap, pair of binoculars with a cracked objective lens... And a single, rudimentary field guide (which was beyond well worn).

If I remember correctly, the journalist left the man a new pair of binoculars before leaving.

Incredible — I'm amazed by stories like that. I only wish I still had some information about the article — so that I could share it here.

...and that's how it goes sometimes.

Until next time,

Happy Bat Detecting!

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