Thursday, September 21, 2023

Unwavering Dedication to "My" Bat Detectors

"Find what you love and let it kill you"     


Sure, I can talk about it now; I'll try to keep it short. Unnecessary details have been omitted.

Lest anyone doubt my dedication to bat detectors... lol on:

It was August 23rd (2021) I had some superfluous concern for the wee kit; I knew it would be fine, but still...

It had been exposed to non-stop rain (from hurricane Henry) for 12+ hours; and I knew the batteries were halfway to flat.

Everything was very muddy...some torn clothes and a few hours later: 

A Doctor was confirming that my shoulder wasn't dislocated. He recommended an MRI and orthopedic specialist (concerned about torn/damaged rotator cuff, cartilage/nerves, etc.).

I got a nifty navy blue sling for my right arm, and lots of pain.

Needless to say, I was determined early on, not to allow this little mishap delay my current testing, and upcoming reviews - and it didn't.

Bruise from torn bicep

So, an Orthopedic Dr. had X-Rays performed; and scheduled an MRI. 

Turns-out, I fractured my shoulder. Luckily, surgery wasn't required.

Things in progress (back in 2021):

Currently in the early stages of testing/data collection, using USB microphones from Pettersson Electronic. Utilizing the Bat Recorder Android app by Bill Krause, which I found to work very well! 

Also working on a video presentation review, for The M500 and U384 USB Mics from Pettersson. This will be featured exclusively on The BatAbility Club Web Site.

With more amazing equipment on the horizon...

Happy bat detecting!

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